Tuesday, April 7, 2015

How does the coverage of severe weather in the United States help or hinder people’s understand of global climate change?

Written by Lee Davis                                             
March 3rd 2015

In the past several years, severe weather has increased throughout the country. Many experts have argued that the increase in this type of weather is the cause of Global Warming/ climate change. Global Warning is the increase in the earth’s atmospheric and oceanic temperature. Global warming is caused by several of things. Global warming is caused by landfills, humans, factories, and the production of electricity among others. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the most frequent cause of global warming. People are unaware and uneducated about the Global Warming effect. The media covers severe weather well but are the new sources catching our attention about Global Warming?

When I began writing this blog, I realized that I don’t know that much about the Global Warming. I know what it is but I do not know as much as I would like to know about the topic. I had to do a little research on the topic to get caught up. I looked into some facts on Global Warming. Because of global warming, the sea level has risen 6.7 inches in the past decade. Oceans are warming, ice sheets are getting smaller, the arctic sea is defrosting and glaciers are disappearing. There is more CO2 today than in the past 800,000 years. Consequences of Global Warming include severe hurricanes, massive fires and the rapid melting of polar caps. Global warming also places coral in danger and increases the sea heights. These are all effects of global warming. These facts are mind blowing, and the climate is changing rapidly every day. What we do every day in our lives affects the climate of the world. But I don’t think the news give the viewers a good view of global warming and its effects.

The media’s coverage of global warming is very important, but the media’s coverage of severe weather is as well. News channels such as the weather channel and weather nation both have great severe weather coverage. Whenever a big severe outbreak occurs the Weather Channel or the Weather Nation is on it first. This coverage even includes live looks at the storms. Much is said about the storms and how they form but not a lot is said about the global climate change and how it changes our weather patterns. I found a chart on a New Jersey state PDF. The article titled “Insights into Media Coverage of Climate Change and Severe Weather Events in New Jersey, gives a several charts and info about global climate change and severe weather. The first chart in the document lists a large amount of things that are affected by climate change and how much the media covers these topics. Coastal Resiliency, heat emergencies, mental health, water supply, and economic impacts are several of the things listed in the chart. The most frequently covered topics are coastal Resiliency, utility infrastructure, relocation, economic impacts, insurance, seniors, and emergency preparedness. The article discusses the impacts of Hurricane Sandy. Hurricane Sandy was a major destructive category 3 hurricane which caused millions of dollars in damage throughout the east coast. The article says that “continued public interest in Sandy recovery efforts create unique opportunities for more extensive media coverage about preparing over the longer term for impacts like sea level rise and powerful storms”. The coverage of these storms before and after seemed to change people’s mind about climate change and put more focus on it. Millions were affected by this super storm in 2012, which got a lot of people’s attention.

            Many journalists distort reality with their writing, and think that global warming and climate change is caused by pollutants but this isn’t actually true. Several scientists have called out journalists calling them ignorant because of their lack of knowledge on the subject. Most people connect the word global warming and climate change with pollution because they live in a world where pollution is a major issue. Global warming and climate change does not come from one single thing; it is caused by a cluster of things. Many people watch and look at the news but don’t look into it further. If you look deep into the topic, several things pop out. Looking at several chart I found interesting information on the weather in the past decade. One thing is the massive constant increase in large downpour events in the last decade. Since the 1990s there has been a constant increase in downpour events. Another thing to look at is the winter weather. Total seasonal snowfall has decreased in some southern and western areas. Overall snow cover in the northern hemisphere has decrease in the past ten years due to higher temperatures.

Reaching the media effectively is critical to sharing the most timely, accurate information about severe weather events or efforts to prepare for climate change. Facebook and twitter are great resources for any news source. People are constantly sending out information over social media. The problem with news organizations relaying information from social media is that it could be false or distorted. The problem is that no a lot of people know the connection of severe weather and climate change. It is a very scientific topic and very hard to discuss. Severe weather and climate change are directly proportional. Climate change causes more severe weather. I feel like climate change needs more attention because people lack information about it. A lot of people lack information about weather because they are not as interested as some people. News sources need to incorporate a bit of talk about climate change in their broadcast and explain the phenomenon of climate change/ global warming.

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